diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011

goodbye, eso

The last day is closer everyday. Too many people are studying for the last exams and retake. Everybody is worrying, some more and others less, if they pass Eso. Someone is going to go to batxillerat, and others to Cicles formatius. No ones knows what it expected, and the teachers speak to us that’s ten times more difficult. But we think this is a joke. Or maybe we just want to believe it.

During the last year, I had a lot of difficult situations and a few a of days I couldn't go to class. But I recuperated all, and finally I think I pass with nothingh! In this year we went to Italy too. It was funny, and now the people is a little bit more closer than before. We did the musical at x-mas time, and now we are prepareting the new musical for the last day.

Well, after four years of homeworks and a lot of study, we are goona to get the title. I'm very excited to finish school, because I want to do something different. And that's all.