dilluns, 14 de febrer del 2011

Romeo+Juliet+Saint Valentine


Image from Taringa!

1.What do you know about Romeo and Juliet?
Romeo and Juliet it’s a dramatic play of Shakespeare. Explain a love story of the middle age. The end is tragic because the lovers die

2.Where did they live?
Romeo and Juliet are from Verona, the city.

3.What were their family names?
Their names are Montague and Capulet

4.Who wrote the story?
William Shakespeare wrote the story.

5.When was the story written?
He started to wrote the play in 1591 and he finished it in 1595

6. What is the source of this story(origin)?
The play is inspired in narrative poem The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet, of Brooke.

7. Is it a comedy or a tragedy? why?
It’s a tragedy because it’s an impossible love..

8. Is a similar story possible today? Justify your answer
Yes, because the love stories don’t change for the ages